Murphy’s Tribute to Jimmy Buffett

Murphy here. What an exciting week this week! I got to see some friends from my boat life and bicycles…lots of bicycles. Every time I heard a bicycle go by, I had to pop up and look out the window to see if it was Mom and Dad. I enjoyed seeing my Looper friends because they were happy to see me and always gathered near my place with lots of snacks and yummy treats. We had brats, chips, apples, burgers, s’mores, carrot cake and lots of watermelon. I even taught Mom how to hold the rind while I took bites of the watermelon. I’m such a good boy!

Mom and I were jogging one morning when I saw an animal through the darkness. I took off to chase it, and Mom did her best Superman impression to help me catch it! Next thing I knew, she was on the ground telling me “No!” and calling Dad to pick us up. Then I didn’t see her or Dad much for a couple days. My Looper friends took care of me while they were gone, and we had fun. I was happy to see Mom and Dad when they came home, but I wasn’t allowed to get close to Mom to give her my usual, excited greeting while she shuffled inside slowly. Oh look, she has a new harness now! Maybe I will get to walk her again soon!

While Mom and Dad went away on their bicycles and to a place called the hospital, I went on lots of walks with my friend DeeDee. I saw her many times on the boat docks during the loop, but this week she was in a truck. She was excited to see me and even sang to me and wagged her tail. She said I should do a tribute to Jimmy Buffett since I live a carefree, chill life just like him. Sounded like a good idea but told her I don’t really like that camera thing. She insisted, so I put up with it since she gave me lots of attention. Here goes…

“He went to Paris looking for answers

To questions that bothered him so

He was impressive, young and aggressive

Saving the world on his own”

“Can’t you feel them circling, honey?

Can’t you feel them swimming around?

You got fins to the left, fins to the right

And you’re the only bait in town”

“I’m just a son of a son, son of a son

Son of a son of a sailor

The sea’s in my veins, my tradition remains

I’m just glad I don’t live in a trailer” (oh…wait…:P)

“I like mine with lettuce and tomato

Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes

Big kosher pickle and a cold draught beer

Well, good god Almighty which way do I steer

For a cheeseburger in paradise”

“Fruitcakes in the kitchen; Fruitcakes on the street

Struttin’ naked through the crosswalk;In the middle of the week

Half-baked cookies in the oven; Half-baked people on the bus

There’s a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone of us”

“But there’s this one particular harbourpnSo far but yet so near

Where I see the days as they fade away;  And finally disappear

But now I think about the good times; Down in the Caribbean sunshine

In my younger days I was so bad;  Laughin’ about all the fun we had”

“Feels like we’re the only ones to see the morning sun

Sleepin’ through the afternoon and risin’ with the moon

Oh don’t the stars look bright

It’s a ragtop day;  It’s a ragtop day

We’ll throw all our cares awayl I live for that ragtop day”

“The night was filled with magic, they bid the sea goodbye

They swam into the heavens, they stayed up in the sky

And all the island people when they wish upon a star

See the Dolphin and the Jolly Mon who tell them where they are

Oh, oh, oh, Jolly Mon sing; Oh, oh, oh, Make the heavens ring”

“Bubbles up; They will point you towards home

No matter how deep or how far you roam; They will show you the surface

The plot and the purposepp So, when the journey gets long

Just know that you are loved; There is light up above

And the joy is always enough — Bubbles up”

“Jimmy, some of it’s magic, some of it’s tragic

But I had a good life all the way”

I’ll miss you, Jimmy Buffett, but will be sure to continue living the good life just like you did!

Margarita cheers,


3 thoughts on “Murphy’s Tribute to Jimmy Buffett”

  1. Oh wow!, Made my day, buddy!
    Thanks for the memories!
    I get choked every time thinking that Jimmy is gone.
    He brightened the boat cockpit for many fun hours.
    Sitting here with “Boats, Ballads and Bars” CD cranking.
    Uncle Wes

  2. Hey Murphy:
    Jimmy Buffet is one of my favorites as well.
    Keep listening, there are some messages in his songs.
    I know your taking care of your mom. Hopefully she is getting better. Does she wear her brace religiously. Make sure she does. What about exercises.

    I’ll let you go.

    Have a nice day and tell mom, dad, and you “god bless”

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